Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Prophet

Ram Chandra is the modern day prophet who had the vision for the Sri Aurobindo Yoga Mandir Ashram. Regardless whether you believe in his teachings and ideals, there is no doubt he is amazing and we were awestruck when we met him. He had such an amazing presence.

As we were leaving the ashram, we were lucky enough to meet him. He came onto the ashram bus as we were about to depart. A crowd of people just wanting to be near him had gathered.

I knew immediately who he was and stood up to greet him. I'd seen his photos. He took my hands in his and kissed me with warmth and love on both cheeks. He knew me by name (probably not hard, I was the only blonde, blue eyed woman on the ashram at the time). He said something to me that still has me smiling today.

He spoke to both boys individually. As we basked in his gloriousness he started down the steps of the bus to exit. Just before he stepped off the last step he turned, I immediately focussed on him, what other words of wisdom did he have for us?
"You've got my email, right? Keep in touch." Well, I did say he was a modern day prophet.

I'm not sure that any of us reached any great heights of enlightenment during our stay, but we had a great time trying. Chapattis? Well, some lessons in life just never stop. I'll keep practising. I have to, I promised my guru. 

We have all enjoyed the simplicity of life on the ashram and learned so much about being self sufficient. As Taiga asked, 'Why does life have to be so complicated?' We all realise now, it doesn't. It can be as complicated or as simple as we choose.
x Lisa (contented Mum)

I Liked the Ashram

I have really liked being at the ashram. I particularly enjoyed using the foot pedal sewing machines. I made myself a wallet, even though it was difficult. I discovered that I really love eating fresh curd. I quite like yoga, but I don't like getting up so early. I like that every time we eat, we give thanks. I think it is because everyone works so hard to make the food.I really liked making incense.

I got to meet a real prophet. Ram Chandra was very nice to me, he asked me if I enjoyed my time on the ashram and said I could come back anytime.

From Taiga
We used tree resin and fine saw dust to make the incense. They take 2-3 days to dry.

Making incense.

Leaving the Ashram

I've had a very fun time at the ashram. I used a grass cutter to make cow food for the cows and I helped mill the rice for our dinner. I tried meditating, but I don't have enough time to meditate. I made a money belt on the sewing machines, it was very difficult to make. All of the food here is very nice and fresh.

I met Ram Chandra, he is a very nice man. I told him I had an awesome time at the ashram.

From Cody
Cody cutting grass for the cows

Cody working in the mill.