Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pudu Prison

As part of our journey for the day, our taxi driver took us past Pudu Prison. He began a barrage of prayers and blessings, and rambled on about seeing ghosts with no heads.  The poor man was visibly quite upset, telling us he could see the ghosts. The boys thought it was awesome, despite their inability to have any visuals themselves.

Pudu prison was built by the British colonial government. It is adorned with what was once the longest mural in the world. According to our very nervous, ghost whispering taxi driver, 6000 people have been hung there. [sic]

Many were subjected to caning. This is a form of punishment that is still imposed today. Men and women can still receive a sentence of caning combined with prison time.

Schoolboys still receive caning with a light rattan for being disobedient!

x Lisa, Cody & Taiga

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