Friday, September 17, 2010

Eyes Wide Open!

Growth is an interesting thing. How do we measure our children's growth? Is it height, weight, maturity or verbal expression? How as a mother, do I acknowledge this growth, when do I nurture it and when do I step back?

The other night, I heard one of my sons come screaming across the roof of the orphanage and down the stairs to our room. It was a blood curdling scream, claiming he'd been stabbed!

There was no blood, but there was drama a plenty. The inexperienced surly teenage tutor, Gokul had lunged at one of my sons with a blunt pair of scissors and had left a faint mark on his stomach. The other son had sprung into action and hung off him like a fox terrier. Granted not a mother's ideal situation, but I'm pleased to say that when the chips were down, the brothers were there for each other.

The lioness stepped up and roared loudly!

Maybe because I am a woman, or because we are foreigners, whatever the reason, Gokul decided to lie about the incident. Bad move, very bad move! Cody and Taiga were completely incensed, that someone of authority could have behaved in such a way.

In times when difficult decisions need to be made, I like to step back from the problem to really get a clear view of what needs to be seen.

We have taken leave from the orphanage for a couple of days for the boys and me to get our heads around the other evening's event. Whilst I don't believe either of the boys has been in any danger, I do think this is a time to step back and evaluate things.

I have allowed the boys complete freedom to make the decision as to whether we go back or not. They both have a huge issue with Gokul, not just about the way he treated them the other night, but how he treats the other children. It is what it is, but it doesn't make it right.

In our discussions I have been amazed at the insight the boys have shown on summing up a couple of the adults that we have been dealing with. They have been very aware of some of the empty promises made to them and the outright lies told as well. Behaviour they have fortunately not been accustomed to, but have now become aware. Children are very good at exposing us for who we are and what we know. They are also very good at exposing us for who we are not and for what we don't know.

I questioned early in the trip if the bonds of brotherhood would be strengthened. Oh, they have! I wondered if they would become young men of integrity. They are well on their way!

x Lisa (nurturing the growth Mum)


  1. Well Lisa, you boys are certainly stepping up! I do tend to agree with you on the matter of seeing the 'real person' for who they are!Kids do that so well! Thinking of you all as you and the boys make another tough decision! It is just wonderful to hear that they are there for one another! I hope to catch up with your hubby/dad soon, now that we are on holidays - Yippee!

  2. lessons and life.. Hardship and reality Right and Wrong.. Morals and values; tested and tried every day...
