Since our arrival to Kathmandu we have explored the winding labyrinth of pot-holed streets. People call to us to check out their wares. As we make our way down through the maze, we gravitate to that which interests us.
On every corner, there is always a shop with metal singing bowls used in meditation.
As the holder of the bowl runs their wooden stick around the brim of the bowl it should begin to resonate and sing a beautiful 'song' to aid meditation.
Just what every nine year old Gold Coast boy needs. So Cody and Taiga tell me.
However try as he might, the bowls have continued their silence for one of my sons. They have refused to utter a sound.
Everywhere we've been they are there, taunting him with their perfect roundness and resonating singing voices. Yet each time he moved the stick carefully around the bowl it would not sing. There was only silence. Each time he'd leave the shop a little more dismayed at not having yet found his bowl.
Like all parents I have tried to justify the bowls stubbornness to perform for him.
"Of course this bowl won't sing for you. It's clearly not your bowl!"
And, so the search continued to find his bowl. Every chance he got he attempted to find his bowl.
Kathmandu is full of magic and mystery and tonight it wove some of its magic. We found a shop where the bowls had lots of voices; many of them loved the way he played them. They sang loudly, softly, high and low.
Needless to say we went back this morning for their best morning price.
I'm so pleased that you found the correct bowl Lisa. It must have been very difficult to find the right shop and to finally have two happy little boys. I actually felt your pain and disappointment but thank goodness that was resolved. It is nice to see their little friends helping them to choose the correct bowl. Happy holidays to the three of you.