Friday, December 10, 2010

All Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

I have waited now for countless years. Tibet is one of those holy grails to travellers in Asia, the roof top of the world, land of snow, Shangri La and all that.

We have come over land, having now discovered we all have a love of mountains and topography. We have not been disappointed, the landscape is awesome. I can only describe the beauty of this barren land, like an old friend. It is full of warmth amidst its freezing conditions, both embracing at times and yet distant in others. The changes in rock formations and mountains are like the curves on a perfectly toned body.

Then amongst its serenity and perfectness, we discover that our dear friend is not well. She is ill, sick with a cancer. This cancer is China. Sadly China has infiltrated even the most remote places of this majestic land and its people.

Please don't mistake my comment for a dislike of Chinese people. I have spent time in China before, studying and working and even on part of my honeymoon. The Chinese people are lovely and I have always enjoyed my stay in China. When I refer to cancer in this context, I am referring to the government and its atrocities it has imposed on the Tibetan people.

We as foreigners were banned from bringing reading material into Tibet, any images or anything to do with the Dalai Lama. We are not even allowed to speak of the Dalai Lama. For two boys aged 9 and 10, this has proven an impossible task as they have had many questions about the Dalai Lama. I have tried to answer them as truthfully and as unbiasedly as possible. Although I think my feeling on the matter are pretty transparent.

However, that all said, we are enjoying our stay here very much. The boys have created quite a stir where ever they have gone. I don't think they get a lot of foreign kids here.

x Lisa

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